We have asked gracefully users with a most common question related to the “WordPress not sending emails” and the problem still stands out one of the basic and on why WordPress users are not able to send the emails when contact form plugin is used.

In this article, we’ll briefly talk about fixing WordPress not sending email issue.

There are different issues that users come across using the WordPress site. In case you don’t see Emails deliver correctly the chances are more than the server configuration is incorrectly set up or might be an issue with spam filtering.

Like we said, email provider on your WordPress site scans the incoming mails to find out if they are coexistent as a part of spam or not. For instance, if use Gmail.com and you receive an Email from some website. You are not likely to see any notification before it lands in your Spam folder.

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Fortunately, there is a fix to it by using SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) and using WP Mail SMTP Plugin that ensures complete protection and guarantee of Email delivery.

Why is your WordPress website abstaining from receiving emails?

The question has been asked by a lot of peoples over the internet. Well, the most common answer to this is that the WordPress server is not properly configured to use the “PHP mail()function”.

Although it tries to work as you know a lot of email service providers are filtering the mails. As because these services use tools to know the email source by location and that’s how emails and getting failed during the delivery.

As in most cases, it is presumed that when an Email shoots up from the WordPress site it never really reaches its destination. We do not recommend using the conventional way of sending email newsletters through your WordPress website.

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However, the technique that we’ve found is to use an SMTP to send emails in WordPress. SMTP generally referred to (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) is a sophisticated way to send emails.

Defiantly it’s far better than the PHP mail function, SMTP follows strict rules in regard to proper email delivery.

So, in a wider aspect, different SMTP services have different roles. But in this article, we’ll precisely hover over the best SMTP services such as:-

WP Mail SMTP Plugin PRO


Like everyone can guess by its name “WP Mail SMTP PRO” is the Premium version and most demanding WordPress SMTP since 2007, to fix email deliverability issues.

WP Mail SMTP Plugin uses the SMTP server to send Emails in your WordPress site. Indeed it follows a standard mail protocol to deliver email efficiently.

On top of that SMTP is pretty standardized these days although it would require to log in through the mail server to send emails and prevent the odds of hosting abuses and ensure proper Email delivery.

Once you have successfully created an Email address through which you’ll be sending WordPress emails. Now the question is how you would connect that with the email server.

WP Mail SMTP Plugin is required to allow sending Email using the SMTP through entering the SMTP account details.

WP Mail SMTP Plugin has crossed over a million downloads and used in thousands of websites across the web. It is developed and maintained by the WPForms.

With WP Mail SMTP plugin you can avoid lots of Email delivery issues and use the plugin to do the following things:-

  • When your hosting provider tries to abandon you from the mail() function due to which WordPress is not able to send Emails.
  • Sometimes your existing web hosting settings may interfere with the mail delivery of the WordPress site.
  • Emails sent from the WordPress site have greater chances of hitting the spam folder of the receiver.
  • WordPress contacts form messages are never received on your end.
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There are many instances where we feel disabling main() function is inappropriate. But it may be necessary as because the majority of the vulnerability to hijacking is done from here. In that case, WP Mail SMTP acts as a savior to keep the website safe.

Img Src – wpmailsmtp.com

How to setup SMTP using the WP Mail SMTP Plugin?

Now, we have come to a long way offering assistance through starting a blog and running it successfully. Throughout the post we make people aware of things on WordPress then we know.

And, this brings us to write for you & others by guiding for setting up SMPT using the WP Mail SMTP Plugin even for non-technical persons.

But as you know, setting up things in WordPress requires little technical knowledge. Though it’s confusing and but we ensure after reading the post “What is WP Mail SMTP Pro and How to Set Up SMTP Using the WP Mail SMTP Plugin?” you’ll be able to use the WordPress site to send reliable emails.

Let’s have a good start now.

Using SMTP with the email provider (desired) needs user intervention. Which is why it needs a few additional setups before you actually use the WP Mail SMTP Plugin.

The first & foremost thing you would require to install the WP Mail SMTP Plugin.

Assuming that you have installed and activated the WP Mail SMTP Plugin. Well, that’s not the end.

You will need to configure it. Go to Settings >> WP Mail SMTP to set up everything.

Provide the SMTP settings in order to use the WP Mail SMTP. This is pretty same for the rest of the hosting providers.

You might see a few different options here such as:-

  • From Email – The option allows you to send Emails from the WordPress website
  • From Email– The name through which Emails are sent. Use the website’s title as from Name.
  • Mailer– Select the “Other SMTP” so as to send Emails through the SMTP server.
  • Return Path– Notification will be showed up for the delivery or bounced messages.
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Now, when you use the existing hosting provider. Use the other SMTP and fill up the server settings from the hosting company.

  • SMTP Host- This option is provided to you by the hosting provider.
  • Encryption- Encryption is made used by the mail server.
  • SMTP Port- The port through which all outgoing Emails carried forward
  • Auto TLS- This should be set to ON
  • Authentication-The option is set to remain ON
  • SMTP Username- Use the email address that is used to send Emails
  • SMTP Password- Password to access your email account for using Emails.

These settings are user-defined and they are used for accessing the SMTP server. However, the values may differ from one hosting company to another.

Then you will be asked to pick a mailer option. Unlike other SMTP plugins,WP Mail SMTP Plugin provides you with 4 mailer options mainly.

They are as follows:-

  • Gmail or G suit
  • Mailgun
  • SendGrid
  • Other SMTP

WP Mail SMTP Plugin is located in wordpress.org directory and has a 4.5 rating. Since the plugin is obtained by WPForms it had started receiving constant update and support.

Whereas users are requested to refer the documentation for the troubleshooting for fixing most common errors. However, the plugin is literally used by most technology freaks and advanced errors.

Our recommendation on using the WP Mail SMTP plugin on your WordPress site

With dozens of useless SMTP plugins floating around the web. WP Mail SMTP plugin has a whooping million downloads and maintains an average 4.6 rating on the wordpress.org. Though WP Mail SMTP plugin is an ideal choice for your WordPress site.

We also recommend it foreseeing the future possibilities this WordPress plugin can do to avoid major disruptions with the mail delivery on the WordPress site.