What is Web Hosting?

Web hosting is a virtual space that you can rent out to hosting your website. If you have a website, you probably need to have a safe space, and that safe space on the internet that lets you host your website is called Web Hosting.

One can buy web hosting from a web hosting provider. There are different price range for different web hosting. Based on the features and the quality the price or the plans varies. The price variation is also due to the brand sometimes. There are different plans available for different hosting. And again, it varies from brand to brand of web hosting.

There is various web hosting that is available and for various uses.

Hereafter reading this article you will be able to make a decision of which kind of hosting will help you grow your website. Keep reading further for getting an idea about different types of web hosting.

Here in this article, you will see what are the different types of web hosting.

Shared Web Hosting:

This hosting is known as the best hosting for beginners. As the name suggests, multiple websites can be hosted on this particular hosting. Being said that it is also true that there are several pros and cons of shared hosting. Here in shared hosting, there are many websites that are residing on a single server and which is connected to the internet.

Pros of shared hosting:

  • The most important benefit of shared hosting is that the costs can also be shared with different people. The cost of the hosting is usually shared between all the users who are using the hosting.
  • One can get the shared hosting at $2 per month also because of this option. People who are looking out for hosting companies between the range of $5 to $10 can look at the shared hosting as this can work out really well for them.
  • Another benefit of the shared hosting is that it needs minimum configuration as it comes with a simple setup. That is why it is useful for beginners.
  • There are many features of the shared hosting that would make you fall in love with it. But the most common one which makes this hosting so likable is their constant support.
  • If at any point in time you get stuck or you have any problem, they are there for you all the time. Their support system is remarkable.

Cons of shared hosting:

  • Also, as one shares the hosting with many users, there are be some unintended errors that occur from time to time. This happens because the user base of one hosting is huge.
  • This can also reduce the speed of the system that you are using as there are multiple parties operating at the same time. Just the way our laptop shuts when we use multiple functions, the same way hosting slows down.
  • There are also speed related issues users face when using shared hosting, this is because of the result of too many things happening on the hosting at the same time.

Who can use shared hosting?

This hosting is meant for people who do not aim at having a great customer base or viewers. People who use static brochure sites use shared hosting. Shared hosting is used by people for their personal sites.

All such people can make use of the shared hosting. People who do not have huge funds can look at shared hosting. Shared hosting is for those people who need to grow their website but do not have huge funds.

Read my detailed article written on Best Shared Hosting which will help you the best hosting provider for your business or blog

Virtual Private Server (VPS) Hosting:

This is also known as the next-level shared hosting. The virtual private network is a very well-balanced kind of hosting when we see all other hostings.

A VPS is in the same shared environment but the arrangement is different.

The VPS is also known to run its own OS or the operating system. Also, here the users have some access to the OS and they can thus install any kind of software that is supported by that operating system.

Pros of Virtual Private Serving Hosting:

  • The stability and reliability of VPS are more compared to the shared hosting. The major difference here is that there is only 10-20 websites option on each server.
  • If someone exceeds the website option, then there is an automated system known as a virtual machine that will create the separation and that too within the same server.
  • The best feature of VPS is that they allow really good customization to take place. They have some cool customization available.

Cons of Virtual Private Serving Hosting:

  • The downsides of VPS are very little. The major drawback is that Virtual Private Server will cost the user a bit extra when compared to the shared hosting.
  • The pricing is anywhere around $50 per month to $100 per month. There is another problem that users face while using VPS hosting that is, it requires more attention to the configuration as there many customization options available.
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Who can use Virtual Private Server (VPS) hosting?

  • Someone who is happy to spend a quite decent amount of money can think of VPS hosting. When someone gets a good number of viewers or the traffic is decent, they must try to switch to the VPS hosting.
  • People who have a proper idea of starting a website for more viewers should actually think of this virtual private server hosting or VPS hosting.

Read my detailed article on Best VPS Hosting and I have written a detailed article on When you should upgrade from shared hosting to VPS hosting

Dedicated Server Hosting:

Dedicated hosting is known as a hosting that is for the big leagues. As the name has already specified, this hosting gives you a server that is all for the user only.

This is like literally owning a site or a plot for yourself. Here the clients or the users can lease the server which is an entire server in itself and this cannot be shared with someone else.

Pros of Dedicated Server Hosting:

  • The most important benefit of the dedicated hosting is that there are no odd effects of the hosting that arise due to multiple user interactions.
  • This is because there are no other users using your server on the hosting. this kind of hosting also provides more flexibility to the users.
  • The risks of malfunction, security issues, etc are very less with the dedicated server hosting.
  • As this is an independently owned hosting, there are many customization options available with dedicated server hosting.

Cons of Dedicated Server Hosting:

  • As there are many options that the dedicated hosting provides, it is very obvious that all that comes with extra costs.
  • If you are someone who is ready to pay for the extra customizations that the hosting provides, then you can think of switching to dedicated server hosting.
  • Also, one should be having a decent amount of knowledge about computers and other technologies.
  • Also, you will have to install the operating system by yourself. And also, all these things will get additional costs for your payments.

Who can use Dedicated Server Hosting?

  • There are many people who ask this question if everyone needs dedicated server hosting. there is no one answer to this. In the modern-day, the VPS of cloud technology is booming.
  • In such a time of advancement, might be some would also be thinking of the dedicated server hosting.
  • As dedicated server hosting comes with maximum flexibility and high level of customization, people who are in the small-scale business, or the ones who are in larger competition businesses use it.
  • Dedicated server hosting is also useful for the ones who have heavy traffic on their website.

Are you interested in Gaming, then read my detailed article on Best Dedicated Gaming Server and Minecraft Server Hosting

Cloud Hosting:

The cloud hosting is also known as the future of web hosting. This is said so because it literally likes a next-generation virtual machine. You can have an amazing experience of hosting your website on this cloud hosting.

These are basically data centers that are made available to a particular user or customer over the internet.

Pros of Cloud Hosting:

  • The scalability is the best advantage of this hosting. the added advantage of the cloud hosting when compared to VPS is that this can be scaled to the maximum, unlike the VPS hosting.
  • As being the cloud-based system, it gives you the flexibility to scale up. The best thing about cloud hosting is that you don’t have to have different systems for various purposes, this is a place to host all your features.
  • Another interesting thing about cloud hosting is that you end up paying only for the features that you have used. This is one of the interesting features of cloud hosting.

Cons of Cloud Hosting:

  • Here the unpredictability of the costing is the main downside of cloud hosting. There are chances that the costs may increase as the traffic starts increasing on your website.
  • This is one important thing that you would like to consider when thinking of cloud hosting. Another aspect that you need to consider while selecting the cloud hosting is that you need to have some sort of knowledge on how this cloud techniques work and also the functioning of VPS hosting.

Who can use Cloud Hosting?

  • People who are thinking of scaling their systems should actually think of cloud hosting. Most of these multi-national companies are switching from normal VPS hosting to cloud hosting.
  • For firms who think of expanding their scale must look at the cloud hosting, as it comes with a high scalability feature.

Managed Hosting:

This is a different kind of hosting. here the provider of the hosting also manages the system for you. There are a lot of people these days who are thinking of opting for the managed hosting as it reduces most of their work. Here in the managed hosting, the hosting provider leases out the dedicated servers and the hardware that is associate with it to its customer.

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Pros of Managed Hosting:

  • Site performance and security are taken care of by the managed hosting only.
  • This actually gives you some time to think of your business strategies rather than wasting time thinking about securities and site performance.
  • Another important aspect of managed hosting is that it helps you with data that you can use in your business as well.

Cons of Managed Hosting:

  • As most of the features of managed hosting are managed and controlled by the hosting only, it becomes very time taking for the user to make any changes in the website.
  • If there are any businesses or website-related changes that need to be done then you need to get in touch with the operation.
  • The most important downside is that there is less control in the hands of the users and the user has to go back to the operator for any alterations.

Who can use Managed Hosting?

  • Someone who has a lot of time constraints and needs to be thinking more on the business side rather than the hosting can look at managed hosting.
  • Large business owners usually think of managed hosting as they won’t have much time to sit and customize their websites. That is when they move to managed hosting.

Read a detailed article on Best Managed Hosting Provider in 2020

Colocation Hosting:

When you do not keep your equipment related to your server and rather keep them in someone else’s racks, it is called as the colocation hosting. This is sometimes also called as the offsite-rented datacentre collocation in hosting.

Here the company’s server is placed into the host’s data center

Large companies usually do this in order to use the vast server that can have the best opportunities in the industry. Here you can have the access to the server as if you have the access to your own website onto the hosting, here you can completely own the hardware.

Pros of Colocation Hosting:

  • The best thing about colocation hosting is that at a very lower cost you get good bandwidth. The security and flexibility are at its best at colocation hosting. Colocation hosting is known for its efficiency.
  • Another interesting thing about colocation hosting is its better outrage protection. As the user owns the server machinery it becomes very easy to make changes and upgrade tools.
  • You will need the service provider’s assistance only when it comes to the major upgrades.

Cons of Colocation Hosting:

  • The starting up costs for colocation hosting is comparatively high.
  • Another downside of the colocation hosting is that the user should himself buy the necessary equipment and upgrade also by himself.
  • It is quite a bit too much work when it comes to colocation.
  • As bandwidths keep changes as we use, there is nothing called as a fixed budget.
  • The budget keeps fluctuating every month not allowing the user to laned on a particular price tag.

Who can use Colocation Hosting?

Colocation hosting is for big companies. They can actually think of investing huge funds. They are the ones who can afford to have their own server or even multiple servers.

People who have a fully established business and are making good sustainable income can think of colocation hosting. several big players who have too many functions that they own, take up colocation hosting.

Finding a colocation web hosting is a very tedious task, that’s why I have done the research and find out the best colocation hosting provider for your business

Reseller Hosting:

Reseller hosting is a kind of web hosting where the user has the ability to use the allotted hard drive space and also the bandwidth on behalf of the third party. Here in this kind of hosting the customer does a purchase of the reseller hosting and then sells it to another customer at a profit margin of his own.

Pros of Reseller Hosting:

  • The one reason why people look forward to reseller hosting is that they are priced lesser.
  • Most of the people who plan of starting their business buy reseller hosting as this does not add extra heavy costs to them and their business. You do not have to invest huge funds on your website.
  • Reseller hosting takes care of aspects like connectivity, updates, security, maintenance, etc. As a user, you do not have to worry about all this. All of these things are actually taken care of by the hosting provider only.
  • Another important feature of reseller hosting is that it allows you to sell services of other web hosting service providers as well. This is a unique feature of reseller hosting.
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Cons of Reseller Hosting:

  • Here what happens is, the success of your business is based on how the website is functioning. If the server is down then It directly affects the website and in turn, affects business.
  • That is one downside of reseller hosting. This is the reason why it is recommended to do detailed research on the hosting company before buying the hosting service.
  • Reseller hosting is tiring and distracting at times as here you will have to deal with the customers directly on a timely basis. Being said this, it is also true that this is a part of any kind of business.

Who can use Reseller Hosting?

  • Reseller hosting is used by developers, web designers, etc. Even people who start their own web hosting business use reseller hosting. reseller hosting is used by people who are thinking to start off their website.
  • Also, people who have a money constraint can think of the reseller hosting.

Do you need to know about Reseller Hosting, read my detailed article on the same

Self Service Web Hosting:

Self-service web hosting is known to be the most advanced web hosting out of all the web hosting that is available. The user everything on his own in self-service web hosting.

The only thing that the user must have is his own space where he can rent that place that can store his server. Hereafter this is done, the user is solely responsible functionalities like coding, bandwidth, power management, system administration, hardware, backups, etc.

Self-service web hosting is very interesting and an effective kind of web hosting because this gives a sense of ownership to the user over the hosting as he is only responsible for carrying out the necessary functions according to his likes and dislikes.

Pros of Self Service Web Hosting:

  • The best feature of self-service hosting is its web security. This is a very good function that they offer in the plan itself.
  • Another exciting feature that self-service hosting has is its reliable servers. This is an added advantage that you get some really good servers along with the hosting.
  • Included storage and backups are the plus point that one gets with the self-service hosting. The user need not worry much about the storage of his files as it is been taken well care of in the self-service hosting. backups are also provided in the plan and that helps in getting back the data if lost due to some reasons.
  • There are no many costs when it comes to operations as here, they have a very reduced operation costs plan. That is one of the reasons why people think of self-service hosting.

Cons of Self Service Web Hosting:

  • The biggest disadvantage of self-service hosting is that it is a little harder to set up when compared to most of the other hosting. this becomes a main drawback or a downside of the self-service hosting.
  • But being said that, it is also true that because of the self-set up, the user can customize his website as he wants it to be.
  • You need to have very good technical ability. In self-service hosting, you have to set up most of the things and that is when you need professional help. You need to have a clearer knowledge of the technical stuff in order to use self-service hosting.

Who can use Self Service Web Hosting?

  • There are different kinds of people who use self-service hosting. people who really need maximum customization use the self-service hosting. Webmasters use self-service hosting as well.
  • Certain businesses that want a high degree of customization for their websites move to self-service hosting.


Here in this article, we have spoken of the 8 different types of hosting options that are available which you can use.

We hope you find this useful and use this when you think of buying your own hosting in order to establish your website and grow your business.

This will help your business have an online presence and also grow digitally. There are so many web hosting companies and providers these days. It is totally up to you which one you like to choose for your website.

We have made a conscious effort to bring together some different types of web hosting. Here in this article, we have spoken about shared hosting, VPS (Virtual private server) hosting, dedicated server hosting, cloud hosting, managed hosting, colocation hosting, reseller hosting, self-service web hosting.

Out of all these hostings, it is up to your decision which one you would like to buy to develop your website. Here we have given you an overall comparison of all the different types of web hosting.