Don’t you love foods? I mean lots of food. If you, probably love reading about them. Now, How to Start a Food blog?  I know, most of you do search for recipes and find the best food blog out there. Nowadays, food blogs are sharing one of the highest position in blogging arena. Also, it’s easy to monetize by help of Google Adsense or any other Ad-monetization network. Well, it takes a while for establishment for your food blog. It needs quite a bit of planning and proper action to make it grow rich and become a food centric blog. Today, In this article I will provide you the complete Guide on How to Start a Food Blog in 2018?

how to start a food blog

Now, if you see the below points you will see the answers on “How to Start a Food blog”

  • Bring up your passion towards cooking
  • You can start sharing your unique food recipes with the world
  • You can get ahead with your passion and make it a profession from the blog
  • You can find a whole community with similar niche around you.
  • It’s easy to start and completely affordable
  • You can start a affiliate program for things you use while cooking, such as utensils, apparatus so on.
  • You can even monetize with Google Ads and can make a decent income by end of the month.
  • You might find a some opportunities to showcase you cooking talent in shows like Master Chief, and in similar fields.

How to start a Food Blog?

If you’re looking for this answer “How to Start a Food blog” then her is the answer. Please exclude the money making part initially. A blog takes time to reach the preferable audience with effective growth and patience you can lead a ultimate way. If you love sharing your recipes then, it would be suitable for you now to make a food blog. And start a health income. The first action will determine on the niche you would be working for. Let’s see what things should you consider before you head to How to Start a Food blog.

What kind of Food blog should it be?

There are thousands of food blogs out there, what makes you unique would be good niche to play around, well there are niches always do better with usual topics, but when it comes to make a food blog. You can consider something like, gluten, vegan or simply frugal cooking. Also, if you’re specialized in any type of food you can simply slide-in with it.

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What should be your Food or Recipe blog name?

If you’re still looking for this answer on “How to Start a Food blog” then the first work could be choosing a domain name for your Food blog. You have a option to register through BIGROCK (the largest domain registrar) to buy domains. You get ultra cheap deals on domain name registration. We recommend you choosing a  domain name which is short and easily to remember. When picking the right domain for your food blog try to be descriptive but should be short and crisp. For instance, if you would like to start a chocolate cake recipe it would be fine to select a domain with keywords chocolate cookies in it.

How to purchase a domain name and hosting for your Recipe Blog?

Now, you know the initial steps of “How to start a Food blog” now, let’s read the other way around. You now need a hosting to host your blog online so that people can come read and appreciate your work. You can always start with blogger (google’s free service) but we strongly recommend you to go for self-hosted blog due to few advantages like, You can monetize your blog anytime, Also it looks professional to the user. A neat and clean interface is always loved by everyone at least when it comes to finding recipes online.

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We hope you have purchased the domain for your blog. You now need a hosting. But wait there are few hosting where you get a free domain when signing up with the host for first time. You can buy it separately but I’ll leave you to decide that.

You can buy our recommended (Fastcomet shared web hosting) which offers a easy WordPress installation. You can choose and pick the right web host suggested below:

Installing a WordPress on your Webhosting account

It’s probably the last step of “How to Start a Food blog” When you get decided with the below list of web hosts to choose from. You can simply install a WordPress theme that can work with your wordpress food blog. Also, you can search for “Food themes” from your wordpress dashboard. There you’ll find lots of free themes which are made to work with any food or recipe blog. For getting a good results you can either pick a responsive theme which is easy on the go with better readability among all devices such as mobile, tablet and PC.

If you need a premium theme which cost a bit but will get lot better options and optimisations. You can consider few hand-picked themes from MYTHEMESHOP & THEMEFOREST for greater customisations and features.

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Install plugins to the site

A theme can help your blog look more professional and this is why “How to Start a food Blog” answers most of your question right here. After installing a proper theme on your blog and setting up everything. You need the basic plugins that comes for free and are highly recommended such as social media sharing buttons, Akismet for comment spam filtering, A cache plugin to load pages first. And a contact plugin form.

Setting up an email list

Now as you have passed the entire “how to start Food blog” thing. It’s essential to build a email list for your users to generate more income. Why? This is similar to registering on a site by leaving your email id and getting all updates on your inbox. This is probably the best strategy for generating more income. You can also help your readers for some special offers by giving them a signup form to fill up. This in return will provide your audience with exclusive cooking videos on your blog.

Add a few recipes

After installing WordPress – Themes and Plugins. You now need to add some valuable content to your blog. You should add 10-15 recipes right away so that users can scan and pan on categories they are searching. This will help the taking appetizing photos with step-by-step process and allow a video series too if possible.

It’s also necessary to personalized few information like you can try to name a recipe or include a story from where the recipe is actually originated like if it’s grandma’s recipe.

Blog Promotion for your Recipe or Food Blog

One might say writing post one after another is sufficient, I highly disagree with the fact because if you’re building a blog what makes you feel it will drive traffic. The content is just not enough. People spend most of their time in social media, when shared on various online social platform. People will try to grasp something they don’t know and it will help you to drive traffic with help of this social platforms.

While blogging you can’t just rely on search engines completely. Setting up a social account on various platform will help you to engage with the audience offering them a new space to learn and share your recipes. You can find media accounts like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or even develop your own Youtube account so that you can easily drive traffic to your blog using these social platforms.

Monetization- Your Revenue Model for your Recipe Blog

You have had reached the last but the most crucial factor of being online. Making money online or even from a blog requires a huge traffic, that is why you need a plan and a marketing technique before you monetize your blog. Once you have visitors on your blog you can consider finding some ad-networks to start. We recommend you to go for Google Adsense, as it more popular and many developed bloggers are using it for years. Google adsense offers you a contextual advertising, you can even start your own affiliate program to sell products you use for cooking, making recipes. Most of us earn through proper ad-channels similar to Ad-sense even you could do that. Therefore, How to Start a Food blog  suffice the need for almost everything. 

You can even start to write your own cookbooks and offer this as a freebies to your users to get more users with email subscriptions.

Best Web Hosting for a Recipe blog

Now, that you know, the way up to blogging superstar and How to Start a Food blog?, the only thing is waiting is to get a web host? If you’re wondering what’s a web host now. Now, you know how to start a food blog particularly when you have self-hosted your blog on wordpress. You have come reding a honest opinion in web host and we feel it will come benefitted to you. 

A web host refers to a host that offers a drive space for your blogs on a server so that anyone can able to access your site from any corner of the world. Now, when you have decided to go for a self-hosted wordpress blog you need the best hosting for your recipe blog.

When choosing the best web hosting, it will be right for your to compare each and every plans of different web hosting companies. And, choose the best one according to your blog requirements.

Consider evaluating these questions and try answering these

  • How much traffic are you expecting?
  • Do you need tech support often? What kind of support will be helpful to you?
  • What is your budget?

When, you try answering these following questions, you can carry out with below listed best web hosting for your Food blog.

The final step would be building your online business with help of a hosting that offers a better value for money. The only thing requires is to read the whole article because we will talk about some interesting fact in-between the article which comes with choosing a perfect web hosting that reflects your personality or your online business perhaps, the both.

Fastcomet Shared Hosting

Fastcomet hosting provides you with 3 hosting packages. The first one is for beginners for hosting a 1 websites. If you’re one starting to have one blog or 6 blogs. You can look for the Inmotion POWER plan in which you can import anything. It’s even good idea for you to pick the 3-years hosting plan which comes less for price compare to 1 yr or 2 yr plan.

how to start a food blog


Fastcomet offers you with a free domain for life when registering for first time. You are now required to fill out the data center, considering this to be the last step before buying a hosting. Anyways, after a successful payment you will be followed everything on mail. You need to login to the Fastcomet hosting cpanel install WordPress to get started.

I stumbled upon the cause of few queries made by people on “How to Start a Food blog” I decided to put a review through it. Where I find FastComet is just perfect for any Food or recipe blog.

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I find Fastcomet to be the cheapest of all, with more than thousands of users hosting on Fastcomet is a reliable hosting service. Their hosting plans starts with just $2.95 per month which seems a real deal for money. Even, Fastcomet support services are good they offer live chat help to the users claim to resolve the issues in few hours.

You can consider Fastcomet to be a perfect hosting partner for your food blog. The plans and pricing are suitable for average users to utilize and becomes a professional blogger.

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Why should you choose Fastcomet to start a Food or recipe blog?

Fastcomet hosting has been one of the superior hosting voted #1 by most reviewers. This made them one of the strongest reliable among all internet users with more than dozens of happy clients for anytype of hosting needs. If you wonder, How to Start a Food blog you might end up taking a filthy web hosting services that can’t even match up. So why not FastComet then?

Fastcomet shared hosting plans offers better functionality and with years of experience allowing a competitive pricing. Fastcomet hosting have a team of responsible system administrators who ensures the servers to work 24 hours a day. If we look stranger to you and doesn’t comply well with this question “How to Start a Food blog” then, you can look out for more reviews on our blog.

Fastcomet is trying to benefit users with more deals that you can often glide to cover almost everything in their shared hosting plans. With fast SSD plans, you’re offered FREE-1 click installation for 400+ applications, with easy management system and free domain to start has remarkably done well. On ” How to Start a Food blog”  you come across things which are remarkably easy and affordable for most peoples like us. 

The only Web Hosting company that can answer you on “How to Start a food blog”

We know the question, “How to Start a Food blog” clings in still but we guess the article at least can help in some manner to distinguish use of WordPress for creating a blog and make money. There are several hosting plans adopt a similar pricing but the services in actual are not that great compared to FastComet. But the only reason that makes the stands out Fastcomet thats stands out the lowest price in which their competitors are not able to provide.

You must have noticed that there are other web hosting providers who commonly charged on the introductory price so as to cover the first initial sign up cost but with Inmotion you don’t’ have to afraid of these things.

Their plans and packages are quite affordable and anyone can look for this hosting for your Food blog. With more than of millions of customers happy about Fastcomet uptimes that ensures a better experience that do not collaborate to do any harm to your online presence.

When you compare with other hosting then, you know the real difference between the features and values that and a steady growth and reputation has managed to capture major share of users to go with Fastcomet Hosting.

So, this is the detailed article or you can say the Guide on “How to Start a Food blog” or Recipe Blog? would let you have a better understanding on how things works actually. You can comment on this Guide and Let me know, if you required more information or you have to provide a Feedback on this article, you are most welcome.