When you start a blog and work tirelessly building content and publishing them on your blog?

There is little or no traffic at that time. Hence, most users would avoid reading the content.

It’s actually giving a presentation to an empty room where no one care how much you put insight on the topic readily one’s care.

In such a situation: You feel certain if you could get some traffic from somewhere to your blog. So that everyone can read and appreciate your content.

But the most tedious job was when you had to start off with the promotion at the end of every week.

It’s exhausting!

No wonder there are few strategies that will help you fetch tons of visitors into your blog in a quicker, easier, and sustainable way.

There’s absolutely no necessity for you to pitch anyone for traffic.

Certainly, this technique would do more worth generating a good reputation for your blog and you on the web.

Do you want to use the following strategy and enjoy endless referrals to your blog?

Quora – Q&A site that helps you generate tons of traffic to your website. And perhaps, it’s everyone’s favorite now.

Do you know what Quora is?

It’s the most famous Q&A platform when people come looking for answers to their questions. Anyone can ask the question and get answered through some industry-specific experts. The Quora community is vast and help each other voluntarily and to increase the chances of their answer seen by millions of people worldwide.

Here’s what a question/answer (Quora) looks like –

Quora is the largest question/answer based website incorporated in the year 2009, you might have read or heard about Quora recently. But back then it hardly that famous.

Anyway, Quora has come a long way with loads of the content as (Question & Answer) submitted by the community is phenomenal.

But how can bloggers get benefitted using Quora?

Right from the beginning of my blog Quora was the most beneficial platform of driving traffic to my blog.

Down the road, my answers posted on Quora has hit over 150k and around 1k shares and a few times featured in Quora daily digest which ended up with a whopping 2,000,000 answer views.

And in just a six-month span I’ve received all these.

Advantages of Quora for sprouting bloggers like me, with answers

When I say Quora is the best platform for bloggers I’ve my own points added to demonstrate how it actually works.

Now, most people find Questions & Answers as the best medium to get their queries answered. Perhaps this is the purest expression of helping peoples with their persistent issues.

Being a blogger, I feel Quora has great potential only because of the emerging Quora community who participate in answering the question to help others with issues.

Advantage # Quora is undoubtedly the best medium for long term traffic

Earlier, I have explained how to use Quora as a means to drive traffic. Additionally, the answers posted in Quora will help you get consistent traffic over the months.

For instance, I still receive a huge amount of traffic on a few blog posts that I wrote back on August 23rd, 2017.

Almost after 2 years, people find my answers helpful to the question – “Best web hosting in India” who are looking for cheap and region-specific hosting. Not just that when someone “Upvote” – gratitude by the Quora community help me get more followers.

Quora Login Screen

The results are outstanding!

I see more traffic flow into my blog with and when they love reading they consider signing up for the email newsletter membership.

Quora stats page offers a wider view of my answers to questions as well as views that I received over the period of time.

In actuality, you won’t be able to fetch visitors to your blog organically with SEO in practice. If “Yes” then, it won’t run for long. Many bloggers state that Quora posts have good potential to outreach and bring traffic to your site over a long period of time.

It’s only; when you know every answer are assets that will fetch immense traffic to your blog for many years.

How exactly should you choose Quora to generate traffic?

There are several ways to get referral traffic from various websites. And Quora is no exception to it. Also, the best thing about Quora is: “It’s completely free”.

On the contrary, Paid traffic is obtained only by means of Ads. However, you don’t have to pay anything for referral traffic.

Although Quora allows paid ads to reach many like-minded peoples and this hopefully gets you more visitors on your blog.

If you can understand Quora as a platform to drive traffic on your blog hopefully you’ll find good results in a single day.

How to Choose

Photo by qimono

Quora ad campaign program is immensely popular. You can promote your brand (Website/Blog) to users who ask relevant questions topics. I have never used the Quora Ad Campaign program and I can only recommend users who have required funds for pay-per-click advertising.

Quora is the best medium to plan sales if you reach out and have tons of traffic flowing on your website/blog.

In my recent journey to Quora – I have learned that Quora can be the best medium if you’re seeking out referral traffic.

Next, we’ve something else for you.

When do you know how to promote your content on Quora?

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How do you target teachers, lawyers, or doctors?

On Quora, you can widen your view and target a different section of the audience.

This brings to laser target your content to promotions of anyone you like.

You need the “Stats and Log” page while you try to answer a specific question of your choice.

The advantages of using the function are: it reveals some information about the post like when it was posted and the question asked.

The second most important thing is to keep a complete detail of your profession on the profile that helps you generate successful lead from the Quora platform.

Nevertheless, you’ll soon discover a few questions asked unanimously you may decide to answer or opt-out.

How can you promote video content using Quora?

Quora platform is not limited to text-based content but also includes videos, images, and social media handles quotes that you can promote. Quora allows you to add and customize the link of your choice.

If you have a fondness for creating infographics, eBooks, videos, or online courses you can do so using the Quora Platform.

How can you build brand authority on Quora?

The famous proverb – “In the blogging industry, traffic belongs to those who have authority”. But it barely matters if you really want to try all the said promotions methods on Quora or not. But being a blogger you might know how to present yourself or your brand in front of other Quora members.

Of course, it takes some time to get used to such a magnanimous platform. Patience and consistent quality work is the boon to success in Quora.

How can you get noticed by other publications on Quora?

If you are an aspiring writer or a guest blogger who is interviewed by big publications, Quora will more likely set the stage for you.

If you haven’t noticed yet, authoritative marketers, fellow bloggers, and even brand executives use Quora as the platform to promote their content.

Quora gives you access to showcase your skills in a diverse field more insight on answers seek more user attention. Also, the comment section below every answer allows others to interact with the original author of the answers.

Quora has an unfathomable stream of content ideas – Bloggers, Internet marketers use Quora in order to seek new content ideas on a daily basis.

Quora has almost every answer to your problems with so much to read and understand. You’ll probably never ever find the end of different content ideas you can gather.

Almost for every post, Quora suggests a list of related questions that hopefully, you can use in your next blog post.

Right at the top “Search Bar” enter a few keywords to generate few topics according to your keyword choice. You might need to refine your search before you use them in your blog content.

What’s the Next, big thing is –

How to drive traffic from the Quora Platform?

Quora marketing is an innovative concept and with that said, I’ll show you to exact process of churning quite a well-paid traffic from Quora alone.

Step -1 – Choose your expertise

After you have created an account on Quora, it will ask you to specify your interest which will appear in the Quora feed. This will make it easy to find the relevant questions to your answers and find everything adjacent to your niche.

However, Quora recommends at least 10 topics before you head towards the final stage of registration.

Step -2 -Choose an outwardly proficient looking profile Bio

In particular with social networking bio, choose a decent looking author profile that depicts a true nature and solid expertise on Quora.

Add some valuable information about what you do along with a profile photo. Nevertheless, people will come to read your BIO and credentials (description). Write a bio that is short, straightforward yet impactful.

If you choose to add experiences and a couple of things you love to do in leisure will be wonderful.

You can also tell people where your articles got published. Or you can link a few pages and social media profiles to let others know more about you.

The most common question asked by people who visit your profile is: Why should I trust a person I’m not familiar with?

The answer is simple your Quora profile should address the doubts that most have in their mind. Allow complete access to things you did in past along with experience (if any) and almost all sorts of changes are made using the edit option found on the right-hand side of the profile.

If you are working with any company, make sure you choose the official Quora topic for your company.

One thing to note Quora generally do not have business pages instead of companies post informative content (branding) as referred to as a topic which users follow and interact to form a discussion board.

You can easily register a brand/website on Quora by editing the credentials section and adding the required company or organization you are associated with.

Step 3 Create a topic for your brand

After you have registered your brand on Quora you will be able to find it on search suggestions. In case you want to view your page, search for suggestions.

Make a Quora profile of your website/blog but you can’t write a description of your brand topic instead use an official topic photo, modify the name and manage the topic with existing topics. You can manage any topic by clicking on the three dots button present on the right side of the screen.

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Quora allows you to “Add Alias” button to help other users who have misspelled your brand name. In such cases, I use “bloggerfreak” as an alias who have only seen my logo.

Step 4 Content Drill-down

When you l completed building your profile and brand topic, you can start the next step. From Quora, you get a lot of content ideas that your targeted audience might want to read. However not every question has the same answer.

A few questions contain a lot of valuable answers with a lot of attention and few don’t at all. Ensure the post that you want to answer has tons of followers by only have a minimal number of answers.

This is the correct way to find the right questions to seek out potential opportunities to refine your searches and grow your followers. You can find all the information navigation to one of the topic pages on your feed by visiting the Answer tab.

In general, ensure that every question that you ought to write has at least 5 followers and 1 answer of 1:5.

This usually means with every question has 5 followers and 1 answer which helps grow your chances of receiving a good number of upvotes.

Step- 5 – Find most users searched question and use them to form a new article

Quora questions are unique in nature but one that I love most is the vast array of answers people contribute to help the person with his query.

The next thing would be the execution, with few couples of posts that you already have at hand. If not then don’t get fuzzy instead you form few posts and share it on Quora.

In regard to the above-said words, you can write about the best marketing strategies that you use to get traffic from Quora. Even you can tell people about some marketing strategies those most successful start-ups use to increase their reach.

Quora is all about offering value to the end-users. Thus, your knowledge of the subject is the only way to position your brand.

Step – 6- Write Quora Answers like an expert?

When you have the content prepared the next step would be inserting the link to your content in your answer.

As you already have the answer prepared and the answer would blend nicely with the content. Just one thing brings more insights to your answer in order to get more Upvote and share which will result in bring referral traffic to your site.

In some or other way the following points describe how should you craft an answer in Quora

Use visual content- Just like your other blog posts. Quora answers can bring tons of traffic. Use the screenshots, infographics, YouTube videos, etc. to attract more visitors.

Use comprehensive technique- Quora marketing is competitive with the increase in the number of users. Thus you need to look out for writing more comprehensive answers and people staring at it won’t have to look elsewhere.

 Use proper formatting: In order to get rid of readability issues break down sections and provide proper subheadings to make the content more alluring in the eyes of the readers.

Use simple, lucid language – Use simple and easy to understand the language but it shouldn’t belong with thousands of words poured into it. Be precise use simple language and make sure to use a conversational tone to get connected with more users on an emotional level.

Be careful with links – Last but not least you had the option to insert a link on the landing page. Your post shouldn’t contain too many promotional links either the post will look ugly or your readers might go elsewhere.

Keeping in mind all these points will help you drive potential traffic to your website. Similarly, you can post the same link when you find the same link to your content. Meanwhile, choose the questions carefully when you write the answers every time.

Above all try to keep the answer straight to the question, avoid mistakes, and proofread before publishing the content online.

What do you know about Quora’s Paid Ads?

Now that we’ve talked about different strategies you can use to drive traffic to your blog. It’s time to shed some light on generating free traffic to your blog by means of paid Quora ads.

Quora Paid Ads

Certainly with the help of “Ads Manager” and can be found near the profile photo in the top bar.

Step 1 Setting Up Your Quora Pixel Code

The first and foremost task to get an insight into the Quora pixel to check the results. You can find the options in the “Pixel & Conversions” tab and copy-paste the pixel code to the head section of the website.

Secondly, you should specify the right kind of actions in order to track your website by assimilating products to your cart. Such as completing a process or subscribing to the newsletter.

Quora Paid ads will take some time to get used to. In respect to the question “tracking Quora traffic” is another most controversial topic here we want to answer.

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How to Track Quora Traffic?

In different marketing strategies, one thing remains “tracking the results” which informs about the different aspects and improvements of your active participation on Quora.

Google Analytics tools allow knowing about all your Quora marketing efforts. You can use a UTM code attached with the link that will depict the source and medium to Google Analytics.


The above-mentioned code will allow Google Analytics to know about the source of the traffic. Usually there is none other than Quora.

FAQs on How to Get Traffic From Quora?

Here are a few lists of things we think would help you get rid out of misperception regarding Quora marketing developed over time.

1. How often should you publish content on Quora?

There are no specific rules concerning how should you write a post on Quora but essentially you should know how to write. You can post content as many times you like or do nothing reading others’ pieces of content.

But when it comes to publishing post content for your website/blog. Certainly, publish at least 1 content a day that will build up your presence on Quora initially and help others to follow you for specific reasons.

The pivotal things are writing answers and gather as many “Upvote” as possible, Simple copy-pasting will ruin the experience and the repeated attempt will abstain you from publishing content anymore. In recent times it is seen that people who post content on Quora consistently have yielded better results.

2. Should you promote your answers on Quora?

How often you see “Promoted answers” on Quora? If you don’t know what promotion answers all about? They are paid answers mainly from the companies, enterprises, bloggers, marketers, SEO to help them pull a huge pile of the audience directly on their blog/website.

One can with no trouble distinguish the promoted answers from non-promoted answers as promoted answers are more likely to get labeled as “promoted” along with the name of the individual who is promoting the answer.

On a similar note, you can head star Quora marketing to exert greater influence over your existing and new blog/website as regards the free traffic generation.

If you are a “blogger” Quora- is the ultimate place for almost every sort of topic research. You can build your presence by establishing your authority in your industry.

The only thing required to provide, helpful, eye catchy content with an eye for detail. Last but not least is to remain consistent while posting content in Quora.

3. Can I get banned from Quora?

Yes, If you do not violate Quora policy again and again. If you do so, then there are serious consequences only when you repeat the same mistakes repeatedly such as posting duplicate content.

Your first aim as a Quora user should be offering help through answering asked questions on Quora. While you’re published content may get flagged at some point but you will get notifications regarding the Quora policy violations.

If you ignore such notifications and continue to effectuate them intentionally you will abstain from using your Quora account. Thus, you’ll access all the followers and a permanent ban will be initiated right away.

4. What are Quora’s policies for posting reviews of businesses, products, or services?

Quora answers go through proper moderation in which every other answer is rigorously checked for spam content, If found they are said flagged as spam, misleading, drive traffic to the external site or so.  In order to save your answers from getting deleted by Quora, moderators understand the basic concept of how people would take your inputs as a Quora member. If you are struggling to find leads, traffic for your business website, or intent to drive traffic to your blog.

Posting reviews alone is not sufficient but adding value with lots of information can help people evaluate better after reading your answers.

Quora community is determined to post helpful content and help other experienced writers, bloggers, and online marketers to build a reputation on Quora.

  • Quora identifies the basis of any opinion stated.
  • Quora loves when someone writes from his actual experience
  • One should disclose about the affiliate if he supposed to write or review the products and services of any company and would gain monetary compensation for writing and adding an affiliate link.

Final Words

Quora marketing techniques are huge and time taking. Even though I tried answering most questions but this doesn’t end here. With respect to other social tools, I found Quora the best tool for bloggers and online internet marketers.

The right method of Quora Marketing usually starts with write answers to the questions and later establishing authority over your industry.

The underlying solution is finding the exact questions to answers, providing help as well as unique answers.

With a bit of luck, the “How to get traffic from Quora – Ultimate Quora Marketing Guide 2023” post has every detail in it. Also, the post is helpful for them looking out for some free traffic, mainly for newly build blogs.

While I add up few more methods in the upcoming and update the post. Take a read of the post and let me know if it’s worthy enough on your end.

What’s more important is to try each one of the steps to figure out your best method to drive traffic from Quora.  Good Luck!