As you are reading this article , I can imagine that you have started writing your blog in Blogspot. As you have written 2 or 3 articles you would have noticed that in your Home Page all the Latest content of article visible in your Home page and as the article is big the rest of the blog articles get the below of the page.

You are here it means you have to add Read More Button in your Blog article. I can understand your problem as I have faced the same situation when started this blog.

Due to the Read More option it increases the exposure of your other posts on your website which is being shown in your blog home page.

So here are the tips and tricks how you could add read more button in your blog post.

  1. Login in to your Blogspot or Blogger account.
  2. Click on Post section from Left Navigation
  3. Now all the Post that you have been written will be live
  4. Now Click on Edit Section of your individual blogspot
  5. Now you will see the whole content that your have written in that post
  6. As you can see there are Many Post Option in upper Toolbar i.e. your webkit
  7. There is an option Insert Jump Break tag 
  8. Now Place your cursor , where you have to place Read More Button
  9. After Placing the Cursor just click the Insert Jump Break Tag.
  10. You will see a Extra Line(-) after clicking the Jump Break Tag.
  11. Now Click on Update button to save your blog post.
  12. Its done , Now just open your home page URL and your will find Read More Option in your blog post. Now you add Insert Jump Break tag to all your post. 
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