The first thing that comes to mind of people while using WordPress is about useful and meaningful WordPress themes. Most users always wish to make use of exact themes that perfectly match your data-content.

While you visit different websites and appreciate the various themes used, you can learn about different ways of finding the WordPress themes. You can easily make use of a specific theme for your website.

To design a website using WordPress, you need to choose a suitable theme that goes well with the website. Choosing a theme for the website that synchronizes well with the idea and content is very important.

You may like to have a theme for your website which you have seen on some other website on the internet and wanted to have a similar layout, features, and functionalities. You can easily find out more about the themes that you have liked and wanted to have for your website.

You can get the details of the website easily if it is a part of free & paid WordPress themes that are available in the market. So it is easy to find more about any theme that is used in the WordPress website.

Let us discuss various options that can help you to find the WordPress themes used in the websites, web portals & blogs.


ISItWP is an online tool that can help you to find plugins and themes that are part of WordPress websites.

The tool ISITWP is available online and by specifying the URL of any WordPress website, it can give you the details of the themes used in a website It can also provide detailed information about various plugins used on the website.

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You can visit and learn to find about WordPress themes in detail.

The steps to find the details of the WordPress website theme are given below:

Method 1: Using IsItWP, find the WordPress theme& plugin.

  • The online tool that helps in detecting the theme and the plugins used in the WordPress website is very easy to use and gets the result immediately.
  • You can visit the online tool stored on the website The website gets loaded and the tool gets activated.
  • Enter the specified URL in the option displayed, to check the theme and plugins.
  • The tools will check the URL if it is valid and then check it if it is a WordPress website.


If it is a WordPress website, then it will detect the WordPress theme used on the website and also find out about the plugins activated. It will display the result of the on the screen immediately.

Displays name of WordPress theme & Plugin

IsItWP tool will not show the details of the custom WordPress theme or the child theme but it will display the name of the theme for your reference. You can Google it and find details and also find if it is available for free download.

Method 2: Detect the WordPress theme of the website manually

The website owners sometimes change the names of the themes used in the website. Once the name of the website theme is changed then the online tools such as IsItWP cannot detect the theme properly and you will not able to get the correct information about the name and other details of the website theme used.

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But there are other methods of detecting the themes used in the WordPress website.

  • The WordPress themes used in the website will have a file that defines its settings and it is known as style.css file. Every WordPress theme will have a file that contains CSS styles of the theme.
  • Locate the website first to locate the style.css file of the theme of a WordPress file.
  • Right-click on the webpage displayed.
  • It will display a menu with a set of options in form of a small box
  • Select the option View page Source from the menu
  • The source code of the page will be displayed on the screen.

In the given source code, find the reference made to the syle.css file using the following code:

<link rel=’stylesheet’ id=’themename_style-css’ href=’′ type=’text/css’ media=’all’ />

Open the file style.css by clicking on it and you will get the entire CSS file opened and it will display the following information about the theme:

  • Theme Name: Theme Name
  • Theme URI:
  • Author: ThemeAuthorName
  • Author URI:
  • Description: My Theme is a flexible WordPress theme designed for portfolio websites
  • Version: 1.1.47
  • License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
  • License URI:
  • Text Domain: hestia
  • Tags: blog, custom-logo, portfolio, e-commerce, rtl-language-support, post-formats, grid-layout, one-column, two-columns, custom-background, custom-colors, custom-header, custom-menu, featured-image-header, featured-images, flexible-header, full-width-template, sticky-post, theme-options, threaded-comments, translation-ready

The name of the theme and the URL of the theme will get you the entire details of the theme and also the other options to know if the theme is available freely and can be downloaded.

 Find the Parent theme

Some of the websites make use of WordPress child themes. The child themes are used to customize the website. The name of the parent theme will be displayed in the theme header and can be displayed as given below in the CSS file.

Here the header block has an extra template parameter in the theme header which stores the name of the parent theme.


  • Theme Name: My Child Theme
  • Description: Just a child theme
  • Author: Peter Smith
  • Author URL: Write here the author’s blog or website url
  • Template: hestia
  • Version: 1.0
  • License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
  • License URI:
  • Text Domain: my-child-theme


You can right-click on the parent theme of the website that is displayed on the screen and open the source code file to get the CSS file of the parent theme directly.

Bottom Line:

To get a WordPress theme of your choice is easy while you browse and appreciate other websites. There are thousands of WordPress themes available with free and paid options.

Sometimes, you get inspired by some particular theme of a WordPress website and wanted a similar layout and design for your website. The above-given options will help you to find more about various themes and plugins easily.