Today, In this article I will provide you the detailed information on How you can select a Web Hosting service for your website. Before deciding about Web Hosting service, you need to consider which type of Web Hosting you need the most. Choosing or Selecting the Web Hosting service is very tedious and time consuming Job.
If you find a Bad Host, then I can say you life can become a Hell and your website will be totally ruined just because you have selected a Bad Web Hosting company. To avoid such situation read the below checklist of 15 Points on How to Choose the Best Web Hosting service for your websites.

In this article, I will provide you the Checklist of 15 Points which will help you to decide your Hosting Partner

Read the Checklist carefully, This Checklist you will need to find your best hosting company

Pricing or Budget – Pricing of Budget is the most important checklist before purchasing any Web Hosting. If your budget is limited and you are looking for the higher budget web hosting then you are Just wasting your time and efforts. There are many Hosting company which offers affordable web hosting service, you can research them.

  • Tips – Purchase a Web Hosting for more years , by doing this you will save a lot of money 

Free Domain Name – Free Domain name is the saving you can do while purchasing a Web Hosting. Today Many Web Hosting company offers a Free Domain name. Before purchasing a Hosting, you should look for Free Domain Name, May be by a Free Domain Name you can save up to $15

  • Note – Mainly the Free Domain Name is provided by the Top Level Domain, Such as COM, ORG, NET but you can contact them about your need
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Coupon Code – Looking for a Coupon Code, is very important as The Price of Hosting service is very high, the Coupon Code will help you to save some amount of money. There are many web hosting company which offers Hosting Coupon Code and you can look for that. It can help you to save Upto 70% of your money

Number of Websites in an Account – It is also a important checklist, that you can use or check before buying a Hosting. Usually Hosting company has 2 to 3 different hosting plans with different features and price. If you have to host only 1 website then Single Domain Hosting or Single website Hosting account will work for you. If you have multiple websites, then you need to check the Hosting plans which can accommodate 2 to 3 or unlimited Domains.

Web space – It is one of the most important checklist that you need to look at. Always Look for Unlimited Web space provider hosting company. Even if you don’t need unlimited space today, But in future your requirement can increase.

Bandwidth – Bandwidth is the amount which data transferred through your website at once. Never look for a Company which provides a Cap on your Bandwidth. Today, you will think I don’t required a high bandwidth but it future, when your website traffic increases then you will need that. If you have purchase a limited bandwidth plan, after the allocated bandwidth is over, you website will be down by error Bandwidth is Over or Utilized of the websites and it looks very unprofessional

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Free Data Backup – As you know backup of any data is very important and in the case of searching for Best Web Hosting, you need to look if the Hosting company is providing Free Data Backup service or not. As you know backup of your data is a very important task. As it should be a Free Service, many Web Hosting company charge for the data backup. You can avoid such company

Email Account – You would be wondering How Email can be a checklist in finding the best Hosting Company? Here, I am not talking about Free Email Ids like Gmail or Yahoo. I am talking about Domain Name with your Domain name such as . Web Hosting company offers a Free Email Account to very hosting account. If not then you can just say no to such Hosting company

Website Builder – Website Builder is the feature offer by Many websites, Usually this service is offer as a Paid service but some hosting company provide Website Builder for Free. Here you can create a Simple website but if are Looking for Professional website design and solutions, then you don’t need to consider this checklist

Marketing Offers – Many Web Hosting company provides Marketing offers such as Google Adword Credit or Bing / Yahoo Credit.

Uptime Guarantee – Please Look the Up time Guarantee given by Web Hosting company, Usually all Hosting company provides 99.9% Up time guarantee. DO the research and read the review of existing customers or Past customers to know about the Up time

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Money Back Guarantee – Many Web Hosting company offers Money Back guarantee service from 30 Days to Anytime Money back

Customer Support Service – This is the main Checklist that you need to check. Check Whether Customer Support service is available 24×7 as the issue can arise at anytime. And also look if Live Chat, Phone based support service is available or not

Services – You would be wondering about this Checklist Services yes it is very important for you to check before purchasing. Check the services offered by Hosting company, They should provide all the services as Shared Hosting, VPS Hosting, Dedicated servers and SSL service. This is very important because, If your website does well and you need an extra server space or dedicated server, that It should be easily available for you.

My Recommended Hosting

  • Hostgator – Hostgator is one of the best and world’s No 1 Web Hosting Company which is equipped with all the features provided above. You can also use Hostgator Promo Code to get discounts and update on deals and offers
  • Fastcomet – One of the Best, Affordable and Fastest growing web hosting company across the globe. Use Fastcomet Coupon Code to get update on all the latest offers and discounts
So, Here are the detailed Information on How you can Choose the Best Web Hosting service for your websites