Are you Looking for Best Web Hosting for Food Blog, or Receipe Blog or Food related websites? Then this article will help you to find your best web hosting partners. I have came across many friends who want to start their blog on different categories Such as Finance Related, Insurance Related, Photography related or Food Blog. Today, I am writing this blog for my friends who wanted to start their Food or Recipe Blog.
I hope you will like this detailed article on Best Web Hosting for Food Blogs and By Launching your Food blogs you can flourish your blogging career. In future, I will write Also, write the detailed article on How to Start your Food Blog and How to Earn Money Online with Food Blog. I hope you will bookmark this page to get more updated o Recipe Blog or food blog.
There are thousands of websites which claims to be the best hosting providers, showing lots of reviews from different hosting company and users always gets confused. Even I have faced the same issue, Got confused with thousands of different reviews for a particular hosting company and It took me 2 to 3 months to decide where, should I host my website. So, I know the pain points we face when selecting the hosting company and When you will read the full article you will come to know Why, I have Listed this 2 Web Hosting providers for your Food or recipe blogs.
List of 2 Best Web Hosting for Food Blogs or websites
So here is the list of the top 2 hosting providers we recommend for Food Blogs:
With Fastcomet you can make a website for your Food Blog or website. Fastcomet is the best hosting company to host your food or recipe blogs. I have personal experience with Fastcomet as My Website BloggerFreak is hosted with them and I can say that they are the best in web hosting industry. The best thing, I like about Fastcomet is the Customer Support they provide, I have personally experience their excellent customer support service. If you raised a Ticket on Fastcomet, you will get a reply and exact solution for your issues within 5 to 10 minutes.
Fastcomet has lots of In built Features which helps you to flourish your food blogging career and Fastcomet can be your trusted partner in your success. Fastcomet provides Free responsive wordpress templates which you can use to build your food blog. I can say Fastcomet is one stop solutions for all your hosting related needs. They provide cloud based shared hosting, VPS or dedicated hosting, So it means if your website required a more space or dedicated environment at any point of time, you can upgrade your plan.
Features of Fastcomet – Why It is Highly Recommended Food Blog Hosting by Me?
- The Hosting price of Fastcomet starts at $2.95 Per Month (longer period you order hosting accounts the cheaper you get)
- Fastcomet provides 7 Data Centers across the and you can select nearest datacenter of your targeted locations
- Free Domain Name is provided by Fastcomet for lifetime.
- Free Let’s Encrypt SSL Certificate is provided by Fastcomet and here you don’t need to have
- With Fastcomet, you will get Free Cloudflare CDN which helps to increase or speed up for your website
- Fastcomet provides Daily and Weekly Backups of your website, I love this feature of Fastcomet
- Free 24×7 Priority customer support service is provided by Fastcomet via Live Chat and Ticket support system
- The Renewal Rate is same as that of Purchase rate, so you have to pay the same price which you have paid during purchase time
- Fastcomet provides 45 Days of Money back Guarantee, If you don’t like their hosting service, then you can get your full money refund without asking any single question
TMDHosting comes 2nd in My List to provide the Best Web hosting for food blogs, If somehow you are not satisfied with Fastcomet then you can use TMDHosting as your partner to host your food blog or websites. TMDHosting provides multiple hosting plans to choose from. For a Starter Food Blog website, you can select any one of the 3 hosting plans provided by TMD, After you think you need more resource for your website, then you can easily upgrade your hosting plans
Features of TMDHosting – Why I Recommend them to host your Food Blog?
- The Hosting price of TMDHosting starts at $2.95 Per Month
- Free Domain registration is provided by Tmd
- TMDHosting provides 1 click WordPress and 300+ open source apps installation
- TMDHosting provides 24/7/365 The Most Dedicated customer support service
- TMDHosting has 7 data centers across the globe and you can select anyone of them as per your need and requirements
- Easiest Drag and Drop Weebly is provided by TMD, which you can use to build your Food blogs
- Unlimited Business Email Account is provided
- Tmd provides 99.9% Uptime guarantee service
- Unlimited Bandwidth and Unlimited SSD space is provided by TMD
- 60 Days of Money back guarantee service is provided by TMD
I hope this article help you to find your Best Food Blog Hosting providers in 2018. You can select anyone of them as your hosting partner. I have listed this 2 hosting company with the detailed research on different hosting review websites, their Social media accounts and with the Personal experience I have listed the hosting company.
If you have any questions or doubts, you can use the comment system below. I will try to answer your questions on Best web hosting for Recipe blogs within a day