Web application firewalls (waf) provides a best web application security at the application layer, WAF provides security to all your web applications a secure solution which ensures that your data and web applications are safe.

WAF helps to protect and restrict the attacks of cross-site scripting, SQL injection, and many other security issues. Web application firewalls provide you the option to customize the set of rules to identify and block malicious content.

Today, In this article I will provide you the popular and widely used Best Web Application Firewalls Vendors and Service provider 2018 for your web application security. In this article, I will provide you the information on the best web application firewall vendors that will provide you the best waf service.

List of Best Web Application Firewall  Vendors 2020


SUCURI has two security administration’s – Website Antivirus and Web Application Firewall. In the event that you are recently searching for WAF assurance then you can begin with Sucuri Firewall fundamental plan, which covers the accompanying. Sucuri is a universally perceived expert in all matters identified with site security, with specialization in WordPress Security.

The Sucuri Security WordPress Security module is allowed to all WordPress clients. It is a security suite intended to supplement your current security pose with seven key security highlights:

  • XSS (Cross Site Scripting)
  • RCE (Remote Code Execution)
  • SQLi (SQL infusion)
  • Layer 7 DDoS security
  • Savage Force security
  • Interruption Detection System
  • Interruption Prevention System
  • HTTP Flood security
  • 2FA, Captcha and Password security

SUCURI is upheld on different stages including WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, Magento, Microsoft.Net, OSCommerce, vBulletin, phpBB.

Considering what amount does it cost? Here is a fast rule on WAF valuing. It’s constantly astute to check the cost on the official site as they may have an offer every now and then.

There are numerous other WAF suppliers like Site Lock, AKAMAI, F5, AWS, however, we found over three but not that difficult to set up (just in a couple of minutes) and the whole procedure is online compared with others.

  • Security Activity Audit Logging

This is maybe the most underutilized security work. It’s the demonstration of observing all security-related events inside your WordPress site. The test is the thing that makes up a security event. According to Sucuri, any change that happens inside the application could be ordered as a security event, all things considered, we attempt to record it.

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This is vital on the grounds that it permits you, the site proprietor, and the capacity watches out for the different changes happening inside your condition. Who is signing in? What changes are being made?

This element is logging all movement to the Sucuri cloud, for safety’s sake. This guarantees an invader is not ready to wipe your measurable information and avert assist security investigation after a bargain. In the event that an attacker can sidestep your security controls, your security logs will remain careful inside the Sucuri Security Operations Center (SOC).

This component is especially critical to site/framework executives and security experts hoping to comprehend what is new with their site and when it’s occurring.

  • Security File Integrity Monitoring

Security File Integrity Monitoring has been key to the universe of security. It’s the demonstration of contrasting a known decent and the present state. On the likelihood that the present state varies from the known great, you know you have an issue. This is the premise of a great deal of host Intrusion location frameworks. It’s what they have incorporated into the module.

It will make a known decent moment when the module was introduced. This will be of the considerable number of indexes at the foundation, this incorporates modules, topics, and center documents.

  • Remote Malware Scanning

This element is fueled by our capable examining server, found on our free security scanner – SiteCheck. It’s critical to require some investment to see how this scanner functions.

Pricing of Sucuri Web Application Firewall

Sucuri provides a plan that they offer to their clients who are willing to purchase a Best web application firewall

  • Sucuri Firewall starts at $19.98 per month and it is billed annually
  • If you go with complete website security then you have to pay $299.9 Per Year
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Visit Sucuri to Get Web Application Firewall

Note – Read my Article on WordPress Malware Removal Service which will help you to remove malware and protect your website


Incapsula’s WAF is PCI-confirmed and shields from OWASP best 10 dangers including SQL infusion, XSS, Remote document consideration, unlawful asset get to. Incapsula by Imperva doesn’t simply give cloud WAF additionally helps you in different after assurance + CDN from 28 server farms around the world.

  • Bot security
  • Login security
  • Indirect access insurance
  • DDoS security

CDN and few security insurances you can have in the FREE record, in any case, to utilize WAF, you need to enlist for PRO plan. You can subscribe for 14 days of free trial to observe how it functions.

Secondary passage Protect: Backdoors are generally utilized by programmers for vindictive purposes, for example, sending spam and taking an interest in DDoS attacks on different sites. Secondary passage secure permits you to recognize and isolate Backdoors. In situations where an exemption is required, it can be conveyed in view of URL, Client application ID, IP, Country, User-Agent, and HTTP Parameter.

Remote File Inclusion: Remote File Inclusion (RFI) is an assault that objectives the PC servers that run Web locales and their applications. RFI adventures are frequently credited to the PHP programming dialect utilized by numerous vast firms including Facebook and SugarCRM. Notwithstanding, RFI can show itself in different situations and works by harming applications that progressively reference outer scripts demonstrated by client contribution without legitimate cleanliness.

Pricing and Plans Offered by Incapsula

  • Pro Plan – Incapsula pro plan starts at $59 Per Month for per site
  • Business Plan – This plan starts at $299 per month
  • Enterprise Plan – For Enterprise plan you can contact them

Click Here to Visit Incapsula

Note – Read my article on Best ddos protection service, which is very useful for the security of your website

See also  3 Best WordPress Malware Removal Service Provider

What is a Web Application Firewall?

Today, 97% of applications strained by Trust had at least one vulnerabilities. With the ascent of web Security threats, popping up it’s fundamental for any web application to have a legitimate firewall set up to shield from attacks for non-troublesome online business operation.

Having defenseless records, modules, programming, or misconfiguration on your server can open to security hazards, which may have the monetary and reputational misfortune.

There are different online devices that can help you to discover the security vulnerabilities and malware in FREE. Be that as it may, with regards to settling or securing them then you got the chance to spend a smidgen.

All things considered, you may have found out about “Mod_security” which is free Web Application Firewall (WAF) and you may consider utilizing it with your web servers like Apache, Nginx, and so forth. ModSecurity can be decent insurance to sites however that requires an extraordinary level of arrangement learning and ceaseless upkeep.

On the possibility that you would prefer not to claim upkeep any arrangement you made for Cloud-Based Security Provider (CBSP) will help you to shield from online web threats naturally.

What are the Web application firewall benefits?

While associations of all sizes (ventures, SMBs, midmarket) can make utilization of a WAF, the market segment that will profit most from the innovation is what gives stuff over the Internet. So any semblance of Web hosts, online investors, web-based social networking juncture, and even website designers (the last utilizing cloud-based WAFs, for example) can exploit the control and refresh capacities of a WAF keeping in mind the end goal to build the security stance of utilizations.

Organize based WAFs are the conventional usage of innovation. It offers a few advantages and disadvantages.

Application-based WAFs are by and large introduced nearest to the application, for example, on the facilitating stage, and as a rule, completely incorporated into the application code itself.

Cloud-facilitated WAFs, then, offer an ease/low-exertion application firewall usage open door for associations that need a turnkey item.