If you are Looking for the best and fitting web hosting service for your website, then you need to review hundreds of hosting providers and it is always a long and very tedious task. Always Keep in mind, that the right web hosting platform that provides a hosting at a very low price or offer the most number of features but the right web hosting provider is the one which fits into your need. So, In this article I will provide you the detailed comparison between A2 hosting vs Bluehost on different parameters which will help you to decide your future hosting partner.

Both A2hosting and Bluehost are renowned brand in web hosting industry and it is always a very difficult job to identify the best hosting hosting. I have Listed 21 things that you need to consider before choosing a web hosting company

A2hosting vs Bluehost

I have tried my best to keep the comparison between A2 hosting vs BLuehost in a very simple and any layman who are new to web hosting can understand which will be the hosting company they should sign up. I have compare the Bluehost vs A2 hosting in a very non technical terms which will make it easy for you to understand.

A2 Hosting vs Bluehost – Find out your Best Hosting Partner for your Business

Here, I will compare A2hosting and Bluehost on 18 different parameters which users normally look into the web hosting company.

Hosting Experience

  • A2hosting – From 2003, A2hosting is providing the hosting service to its clients. They have 14+ years of experience in providing shared hosting, dedicated server, vps hosting and cloud hosting service to their clients
  • Bluehost – Bluehost was also founded in 2003 and they have 14+ years of hosting experience and in 2010 it was acquired by Endurance International Group
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Price During Signup

  • A2hosting – The Hosting price of A2hosting starts at $3.92 per month
  • Bluehost – You can get your Bluehost hosting account at a price of $2.95 per month (In Ongoing offer)

Price During Renewal

  • The A2hosting renewal rate is $8.99 per month for a year hosting plans and I will recommend you to go with 2 year hosting plan
  • The Bluehost renewal rate is also a $8.99 per month for a year hosting plans and maximum you can purchase hosting plans for 3 years

Here, there is a tie between A2hosting vs Bluehost, Both have the same renewal rate

Domain Name

  • A2hosting doesn’t provide any Free domain name when you purchase a hosting plan
  • Bluehost provides a Free domain name for a year and after that you can renew at a price of $14 for a year

Here, Bluehost takes a lead in comparison with Ahosting

Web Space

  • A2hosting provides unlimited webspace in all the hosting plans they offer from a single website hosting to multiple website hosting.
  • Bluehost basic hosting plan offers 50GB of web space in basic plans and unlimited web space for other hosting plans

In comparison on webspace, A2hosting takes a lead on Bluehost


  • A2hosting provides Unlimited Bandwidth to its clients
  • Bluehost provides Unmetered bandwidth to its users

Here there is a tie between A2hosting and Bluehost


In terms of Stability, A2hosting and Bluehost are one of the stable hosting company with excellent track record

Customer Support Service

  • Both Bluehost and A2hosting provides excellent customer support service to its users. You can catch their support team 24x7x365 days and they are very technically sound
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  • By Reading the users reviews and recommendations by the Pro in the Hosting field, A2hosting and Bluehost are very reputed company

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Multiple Domain Hosting

  • Bluehost and A2hosting provides the Best Multiple Domain hosting service to its customers, you can host unlimited websites without any issue

Control Panel

  • Both A2hosting and Bluehost provides the Easy to use control panel system, where you can easily manage your web hosting related tasks

Account Suspension

  • A2hosting is very strict with their policies, please read their terms and conditions Here before buying their hosting service
  • Bluehost supports 50,000 of nodes simultaneously but upto 2,00,000 nodes are fine with them. Read their Terms and conditions before buying their hosting service

Email@ YourDomain.com

  • A2hosting provides 15 business email accounts for their basic hosting plans and unlimited for other hosting plans
  • Bluehost provides unlimited Email accounts for their users

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Subscription Period

  • You can buy A2hosting service for Monthly, Yearly and Bi Annual subscription
  • With Bluehost you can purchase Yearly, Biennial and Triennial subscription


  • Both A2hosting and BLuehost provides Sitebackup of your website

24/7 Live Chat Support

  • To get started with the Live Chat support it usually takes the same time for both the hosting service.

Free Extras – Anti-Malware, Global CDN, Security etc

  • A2hosting provides perpetual security with Hack Scan, Patchman enhanced security and Free Google and Bing Ad credit is provided by a2hosting
  • Bluehost provides a tool Spamexpert which is not available for the basic plan, but the security of bluehost is very strong and Bluehost provides $200 marketing credits for the higher plan you purchased
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SSL Features

  • A2hosting provides shared Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate which you can install without purchasing dedicated IP
  • Bluehost doesn’t provide a Free SSL certiticate in basic plan, but if you need to install SSL then you have to purchase a dedicated IP to do so

Offers, Discounts and Coupon Code

  • A2hosting are not very active in providing discounts coupons or offers, they have a special discounts for their user and it is available every time. 51% discount and then the price comes at $3.92 per month.
  • Bluehost occasionally provides offers, discounts and coupon codes to its clients

A2 Hosting vs Bluehost – Who is the Winner?

By Comparing in detail, I have came at the conclusion that BLUEHOST is the winner in comparison between A2hosting

So, Here are the detailed comparison between A2 hosting vs Bluehost, I hope this article would have cleared your doubt to whom you should select as your hosting partner.

You are free to share your comment via comment box and let me know your experience between A2hosting and Bluehost, so that it would help many users.